Inclusive Leadership and ManagementInclusive Workplaces
Digital inclusion factsheet
Digital inclusion is not only about whether people can access it, but also about their ability and the skills required to do that efficiently.
Inclusive Leadership and Management
Inclusive performance management factsheet
Performance management (PM) is integral to any organisation and its operations. It is about monitoring, managing, and empowering teams to work to the best of their abilities. Inclusive performance management means supporting everyone’s needs and goals so that they can flourish and perform at their very best. Our factsheet explains what inclusive performance management is and provides guidance for employers on implementing inclusive PM within the workplace.
Inclusion StrategyInclusive Leadership and ManagementInclusive Workplaces
Engaging colleagues in inclusion factsheet
Since 2020, there has been a huge rise in demand for Inclusion & Diversity (I&D) work in organisations. This has taken many different forms which include the hiring of I&D specific roles, increase in training, and more organisations creating strategies to support their I&D journey. Despite this, large numbers of employees remain disengaged in discussing I&D topics. This factsheet explores the reasons for possible disengagement, and how to engage/re-engage colleagues in inclusion at all levels of the organisation.
Health and WellbeingInclusive Leadership and ManagementInclusive Workplaces
Anti-fat bias factsheet
Anti-fat bias is a rarely addressed topic, as it is one of the most normalised and accepted forms of prejudice. This is seen in the media, in medicine, and in the workplace. Whether this is a conscious or unconscious bias, it is greatly impacting individuals in their working environment with regards to lack of opportunities as well as discriminatory practices and/or beliefs. This factsheet introduces the concepts of anti-fat bias and weight stigma, and how employers can work toward more inclusive workplaces for people in larger bodies.