Inclusive Employers Standard and Foundation Assessment Terms and Conditions
1. Definitions
1.1 The following definitions apply with the Terms and Conditions Agreement:
“Associates” independent consultants employed by IEL to support the operation of the IES
“Foundation Assessment” a lighter touch version of the Inclusive Employers Standard for organisations who are at the start of their inclusion programme
“Registering” means the process of the Participant expressing an interest in participating in the Inclusive Employers Standard or Foundation Assessment and paying the Participant Fee
“Registration” means the process of IEL confirming participation in the Inclusive Employers Standard or Foundation Assessment
“Agreement” means this agreement between IEL and the Participating organisation.
“Inclusive Employers” or “IE” means the association of organisations who have subscribed to the initiative promoted by IEL to help employers uphold the principles of inclusion in the workplace
“IEL” means Inclusive Employers Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales under company number 07337659 whose registered office is at 19 Short Street, Waterloo, London, England SE1 8LJ
“Inclusive Employers Standard” or “IES” means the framework promoted by IEL to help employers make annual progress in relation to inclusion across their employment activity
“IES webpages” introductory information which provides an outline of how the IES and Foundation Assessment operate and the Participant Benefits
“Panel members” independent experts who will moderate the IES judging process
“Participant” means an organisation whose application to participate in the Inclusive Employers Standard/Foundation Assessment has been accepted by IEL
“Participant Benefits” means the benefits accorded to a Participant in relation to their Participation in the IES or Foundation Assessment
“Participant Fee” means the fees due from a Participant to IEL
“Participation” means the rights and obligations of a Participant arising out of this Agreement
“Participation Period” indicates the duration for which the Agreement applies and varies for the IES/Foundation Assessment. See section 3 below for more information
“Registering/Registration” is notifying us of your wish to make a Submission. This may be by any means such as via the website registration form, by email or verbally.
“Submission” means the evidence the Participant provides IEL towards their IES/Foundation Assessment accreditation
2. General
2.1 This document comprises the terms and conditions upon which IEL will make the Participant Benefits available to Participants and the obligations of the Participant.
2.2 By Registering, the Participant agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. By accepting the Registration, IEL agrees to provide the Participant Benefits in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Participant Benefits will become available to the Participant once IEL receives payment of the Participant Fee to IEL up until the end of the Participation Period (see section 3 below).
2.3 The Participant agrees to accept these conditions for the entire Participation Period (see section 3 below).
2.4 IEL may refuse to accept Registration at its complete discretion. IEL is under no obligation to give any reason for the refusal.
2.5 This Agreement will form the entire agreement between IEL and the Participant. No amendment to this will be agreed other than in writing between both parties.
3. Participation
3.1 For the Inclusive Employers Standard and Foundation Assessment participants, the participation period is from date of Participant Registration until written feedback is received and if requested, the optional feedback meeting has been held.
3.2 The Participation Benefits will be made available by IEL to the Participant for the Participation Period provided the Agreement is not terminated for any reason.
3.3 The Participation Benefits are defined on the IES webpages.
3.4 The Participation Fee becomes payable by the Participant once their Registration has been accepted by IEL.
3.5 All fees and payments to IEL by Participants will be made within four weeks of receipt of invoice from IEL.
3.6 IEL will provide the Participation Benefits using reasonable care and skill.
3.7 Participants agree to participate in the evaluation aspects of the IES/Foundation Assessment. For the IES these include completing a survey after the submission deadline and providing more in-depth feedback as part of their meeting to discuss the results of their submission. For the Foundation Assessment this will involve a more informal evaluation at the end of the Participation Period.
4. Confidentiality and privacy
4.1 The Participant will not at any time disclose to any third party any information relating to the IES/Foundation Assessment. Redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the IES/Foundation Assessment in any form is prohibited, unless the information is already public knowledge.
4.2 Subject to clauses 4.5 – 4.8, IEL will not at any time disclose to any third party (apart from Panel members and IEL Associates) information that forms part of the submission unless it is required to do so by law or the information is already public knowledge.
4.3 IEL will collect a range of information from the Participant to assess their submission. IEL requires this information to be able to assess the action Participants are taking to support inclusion and to evidence this using real examples.
4.4 The Participant should not share any sensitive personal data as part of the submission process.
4.5 IEL will use the submission to:
- Assess how many marks to assign to Participants
- Corroborate Participants’ responses
- Provide a moderated accreditation at: Committed, Bronze, Silver or Gold status by sharing the initial marks with an independent panel (for IES participants only)
- Provide Participants with feedback about areas to focus on next in order to make progress and formulate an action plan
- For IES participants only: In order to raise awareness of the IES, IEL may share the names of Participant organisations in publicity without mentioning the status achieved
4.7 In order to boost the value of Participation IEL may, on a non-attributable basis:
- Identify and share good practice between Participants
- Publicise good practice identified through Participation to raise the profile of the IES/Foundation Assessment
- Share any benefits and value Participants have identified from Participation
4.8 If IEL wishes to share attributable information of the nature outlined in 4.7 above, prior to sharing this information more widely IEL will contact Participants to a) check they are happy for the information to be used and b) to approve the wording chosen.
4.9 IEL will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Participant data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and UK Data Protection legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 from its effective date.
4.10 The IEL submission platform is ISO27001 certified and fully compliant with the internationally recognised standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It is also fully Cyber Essentials Plus certified so provides a high level of assurance against the most prevalent forms of cyber-attack. Nonetheless, the transmission of information via the internet is never completely secure and although IEL will use reasonable endeavours to protect Participant personal data, it cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted electronically; any transmission is at the Participant’s risk. Once IEL has received the information, it will use reasonable endeavours such as electronic and managerial procedures and security features to safeguard it and prevent unauthorised access.
4.11 IEL will at all times during the term of this Agreement (and to the extent applicable following its expiry) comply with any IEL Privacy Policy as detailed on the IE Website.
5. Contacting Us
5.1 If Participants wish to change how IEL makes contact or have other questions or complaints about the ways in which IEL processes personal data, contact:
By post: Inclusive Employers Limited, 19 Short Street, Waterloo, London, England, SE1 8LJ
By email:
6. Termination
6.1 Participants may terminate this Agreement at any time by writing to IEL address given at the IEL Website. No refund of Participation Fees will be made in these circumstances.
6.2 IEL may terminate this Agreement at any time by writing to the address given at the time of Registration. In which case IEL will refund the Participant Fee for the remaining Participant Period to the Participant on a pro-rated basis.
6.3 IEL may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect and without liability if:
6.3.1 the Participant commits a material breach of this Agreement and fails to remedy that breach within four weeks of receiving notice from IEL notifying it of the breach and requiring remedy; or
6.3.2 the Participant fails to pay the Participation Fee within four weeks from receipt of invoice from IEL.
6.4 If IEL exercises its right to terminate the Agreement as in 6.3, it will provide notice to the Participant stating the reasons for termination and the effective date of termination.
6.5 Termination of the Agreement for any reason will automatically terminate the Participant Benefits.
6.6 Promptly and within four weeks of termination, the Participant must remove all references to the IES/Foundation Assessment from its public materials (including, but not limited to, publicity, recruitment materials and website).