Race and Ethnicity
Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting factsheet
The purpose of Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting is to promote transparency and equality in the workplace by highlighting disparities in pay between different ethnic groups. This factsheet outlines what pay gaps are, the challenges to accomplishing meaningful Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting, and steps employers can take to prepare themselves for Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting.
Race and Ethnicity
Black History Month guide
The resources in this guide were developed as part of a project in collaboration with over 70 member organisations between 2016 and 2018. Much of that material is still relevant and useful. However, in light of recent events and the increased focus on creating anti-racist organisations, this guide has been developed and updated for 2024.
Race and Ethnicity
Black Inclusion Week
This factsheet explores more about Black Inclusion Week, its theme, and how organisations can get involved to foster a more inclusive workplace for Black colleagues.
Global InclusionRace and Ethnicity
Lunar New Year 2025
The Lunar New Year celebration marks the first day of the year in a traditional lunisolar calendar and the start of spring. It is celebrated across Asia and each place that celebrates the festival has its own name for the occasion, with variations in traditions around the celebration. Learn more about what and when Lunar New Year is, traditions, as well as how organisations can get involved to raise awareness and celebrate Lunar New Year in the workplace.