Resources - Inclusive Employers
  • A group of diverse individuals smiling and working together.
    Inclusion StrategyInclusive Workplaces
    A group of diverse individuals smiling and working together.
    Staff Networks and Terms of Reference

    This guide will support organisations to build sustainable staff networks, whether looking to establish new networks or looking to develop existing networks. A Terms of Reference template document is also provided for best practice.

  • HR professional reading over diversity data monitoring forms
    Inclusion Strategy
    HR professional reading over diversity data monitoring forms
    Diversity monitoring form guidance

    This factsheet has been created to support organisations in designing questions which support gathering accurate data, with inclusion at the forefront.

  • Three colleagues sitting at a desk - two are interviewing the third who is sitting on the opposite side. The interviewers are smiling encouragingly at the person being interviewed
    Inclusion StrategyInclusive Leadership and Management
    Three colleagues sitting at a desk - two are interviewing the third who is sitting on the opposite side. The interviewers are smiling encouragingly at the person being interviewed
    Inclusive recruitment

    This guide aims to provide information and guidance on understanding inclusive recruitment, techniques for implementing best practice, as well as information on data and evaluation with further resources.

  • A group of workers smiling at the camera wearing different types of clothes
    Inclusion StrategyInclusive Workplaces
    A group of workers smiling at the camera wearing different types of clothes
    Inclusive dress code

    Dress code and uniform can be integral for an organisation in upholding employer brand and image. Most organisations will have a dress code policy or uniform guidelines that employees must adhere to; however, lack of flexibility or consideration of all protected characteristics could be exclusive or even discriminatory in their practices. This factsheet explores the considerations for creating an inclusive dress code policy.