Resources - Inclusive Employers
  • HR professional reading over diversity data monitoring forms
    Inclusion Strategy
    HR professional reading over diversity data monitoring forms
    Diversity monitoring form guidance

    This factsheet has been created to support organisations in designing questions which support gathering accurate data, with inclusion at the forefront.

  • International staff stay in-front of a superimposed image of a globe
    Inclusion Strategy
    International staff stay in-front of a superimposed image of a globe
    Inclusion strategy templates

    An Inclusion strategy (often referred to as an EDI strategy or D&I strategy) is key to building a truly inclusive workplace. A strategy sets out the vision and goals of an organisation, while also setting indicators against which to measure improvement and progress.

  • A number of colleagues working on data sheets and tables.
    Inclusion Strategy
    A number of colleagues working on data sheets and tables.
    Diversity data guide

    Some organisations have been collecting diversity data for many years. By collecting data, they have a much greater understanding of the make-up of their workforce and their experience of the workplace.

  • A group of diverse individuals smiling and working together.
    Inclusion StrategyInclusive Workplaces
    A group of diverse individuals smiling and working together.
    Staff Networks and Terms of Reference

    This guide will support organisations to build sustainable staff networks, whether looking to establish new networks or looking to develop existing networks. A Terms of Reference template document is also provided for best practice.