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Inclusive Employers’ National Inclusion Week Daily Actions have been designed to help you celebrate Inclusion every day of National Inclusion Week.

Take part in the National Inclusion Week 2023 Daily Actions

For every day of National Inclusion Week, Inclusive Employers have created Daily Actions that bring the ‘Take Action, Make Impact’ theme to life.

We encourage you to plan your involvement in these actions in advance, so you are ready when each day arrives to participate in making the Daily Action a reality!

Share your participation internally so everyone can be a part of the action.

When you share your Daily Action activity on your social media channels use #TakeActionMakeImpact, #NationalInclusionWeek2023 and tag Inclusive Employers, so we can share and inspire others with your involvement.

Read on for an overview of the National Inclusion Week 2023 Daily Actions. If you would like more information and support on how to bring these actions to life, there will be more tips included in the toolkit available to those who have registered for National Inclusion Week, or are members of Inclusive Employers.

Monday 25th September: Take action – engage your employees

Inclusion and engagement go hand in hand. Employees who feel included and valued for who they truly are, will display higher levels of engagement.

There are many ways to ensure employees feel engaged within the organisation throughout the whole employee life cycle.

The first day of National Inclusion Week is a great way to increase employee engagement, and the first day to raise awareness and start engaging with National Inclusion week itself!

Tuesday 26th September: Take action – equip your employees

Equipping your staff to enable your organisation to design and deliver more effective inclusive policies and processes is essential for inclusion to become an accepted and natural everyday part of the organisation.

Policies and procedures ensure staff know what is expected of them in creating an inclusive environment, while training helps to close skill gaps and provides learning, understanding, and development opportunities to foster an inclusive workplace.

Wednesday 27th September: Take action – empower your employees

Empowering your staff to speak up, constructively challenge, and share feedback forms the basis of psychological safety. Psychological safety can only occur when staff feel safe, listened to, and valued for their contributions.

To create an inclusive work environment, we must role model inclusive behaviour and ensure that all voices are heard, including those from under-represented groups.

If you register for  National Inclusion Week 2023, you can book FREE tickets to our inclusion webinars to enhance your inclusion and diversity knowledge.

See our calendar of National Inclusion Week 2023 events
A black feminine person writing notes as they listen to a National Inclusion Week webinar

Thursday 28th September: Take action – embedding inclusion

With all the positive visible work taking place around inclusion, it’s important to take a step back and dive deeper into your organisation’s processes and procedures to ensure the organisation is truly inclusive.

This is the behind-the-scenes work, which can sometimes go unnoticed and that can often take a long time to implement before real change is seen; it’s no easy feat embedding inclusion throughout an entire organisation!

When every employee can evidence why inclusion is at the forefront of their role, that is when the workplace becomes a truly inclusive place to work.

Friday 29th September: Take action – evolving inclusion

What good practice looked like when Inclusive Employers began 12 years ago, certainly isn’t best practice today. Inclusive Employers was founded on the fact that many companies were only legally compliant with equal opportunities and the introduction of The Equality Act 2010, when in fact what a lot of organisations were overlooking to improve equality and diversity was the fundamental element of inclusion!

Inclusion within the workplace and society is more topical than ever, and this has been propelled over recent years due to key global events.

Our next generation of workers are the most diverse the workplace has ever seen, and this generation hold high expectations and place significant importance on diversity and inclusion when choosing where to work.

Adapting to this emphasis while horizon scanning for best practice and seeking out innovative ways to improve inclusion can enhance your inclusion initiatives and strategy while attracting and retaining the best talent.

Saturday 30th September: Take action – evaluating impact

Evaluating the impact of your inclusion and diversity initiatives or strategy can be one of the biggest challenges most organisations face when carrying out inclusion work. To make impact, everything must be monitored and measured!

Of course, having tangible or measurable outcomes can be difficult with this type of work, especially for smaller projects or trying to evidence culture change, however, it is vital that inclusion work is evaluated to see what is working, what needs improving and to celebrate your successes!

Sunday 1st October: Take action – evaluating National Inclusion Week

What a week it has been! Here at Inclusive Employers, National Inclusion Week is an absolute highlight in the yearly calendar of awareness days and events to shine a spotlight on the fantastic work that is taking place for inclusion, no matter where you are on your inclusion journey. It’s a week to reflect and celebrate all the continuous hard work that organisations are doing for creating inclusive workplaces and a better working world!

Inclusion is not just something to focus on for one day or one week, It is something that needs long-term commitment to action. The last day of National Inclusion Week 2023 is a time for reflection and an opportunity to commit to #TakeActionMakeImpact for the future.

  • What do you want to Improve over the next 12 months both individually and as an organisation?
  • What have you learnt?
  • What have you found most valuable?
  • What do you know you or your organisation could be doing better?

It is time to Take Action. Make a pledge to show how you and your organisation will continue to make progress towards Inclusion over the next 12 months. Share your pledge publicly and have a plan.

Grow your team

When you become an Inclusive Employers’ Member you grow your I&D team.

Your account manager works with you to understand your goals, your challenges and achievable next steps.

Do you need more support for your inclusive culture to thrive?

Learn about membership today


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