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Inclusive Employers is the UK’s first and leading membership organisation for employers looking to build inclusive workplaces.

Please note – in this document the name of the Divine/Creator is referred to as ‘G-d’ with a letter replaced with a dash as under Jewish Law it is impermissible to destroy their name (for example if this document was printed and later shredded or disposed of). 

What is the holiday about?  

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is one of the holiest days in Judaism. The day begins on the first of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, and means “head of the year” or “first of the year.” 

The day commemorates and celebrates the creation of the world and is extremely important to the Jewish community.

Whilst in the Gregorian calendar we are in the year 2025, in the Hebrew Calendar we are in the year 5785 and this year the holiday will move the calendar into the year 5786. 

The holiday is seen as a time to reflect on the past and review relationships with G-d, rather than just celebrating the future and the coming year. 

When does the holiday take place?  

Rosh Hashanah 2025 is estimated to begin on Monday 22nd September and end on sundown Wednesday 24th September

Because it is based on the Hebrew Calendar, the date can change from year to year. It is, however, usually in September or October. 

A brief history of the holiday 

The Torah is a founding religious text in Judaism. The Torah does not mention Rosh Hashanah, but it does mention a sacred occasion that begins around it. It is first mentioned in the Mishnah, a Jewish legal code. 

The holiday is the first day of the Days of Awe, also known as the Days of Repentance. This period is critical because it is thought to have the ability to influence G-d’s judgement.

The Days of Awe end after the festival of Yom Kippur which takes place ten days after Rosh Hashanah and involves a 25-hour fast.  

The holiday has been observed for thousands of years, but it is difficult to pinpoint when it began. 

How to celebrate in the workplace 

As previously stated, Rosh Hashanah is a very sacred holiday in Judaism, so workplace celebrations should be planned carefully and not be tokenistic. 

Here are a few ways to show your support for Jewish employees in the run-up to to the holiday: 

Share facts 

Share facts and raise awareness about the holiday. People can learn new things this way, and you can show your support. 

Focus on pronunciation 

Concentrate and practise Rosh Hashanah’s pronunciation with your team. It’s a very important event for the Jewish community, so it’s important to get the pronunciation right. 

Click here for a video to help with your pronunciation. 

Here is the phonetic version of pronunciation: 

Rosh · ha · sha · naa 

Explore symbolic food  

It is traditional to eat sweet foods for Rosh Hashanah to encourage a sweet new year.

Some of the symbolic foods include apples and honey, date and honey cake and pomegranate. 

Consider researching recipes for your team to try during a lunch break, or ask your coworkers to make some traditional recipes at home. 

This would be a great opportunity to try new things while learning about their significance.

You may also want to consider ordering traditional foods from a local Kosher shop or online Kosher supplier.  

If your Jewish colleagues are comfortable, you could ask them for assistance in preparing food as well as information on its significance. 

Have a level of flexibility for your Jewish colleagues  

Rosh Hashanah is a religious holiday, and Jewish colleagues will require time off and may wish to adjust their working hours to prepare.

The amount of time off required and levels of observance are different for everyone. 

Maintain a level of flexibility and understanding for your coworkers, as well as support them during this time. 

Learn how to give the correct holiday greeting

It is a good idea to learn more about Jewish culture and how to properly greet someone during the holiday. Here are a few ways to send your best wishes: 

  • Shana Tovah | Pronounced – Shah · Nah · Toe · Vah | Translation – Good year 
  • L’shana Tovah u’metukah |  Pronounced – I’shah · Nah · Toe · Vah · Oo · Meh · Too  ·  Kah | Translation – For a good and sweet year  
  • Chag Sameach | Pronounced – Hag · Sah · May · Ach | Translation – Happy holiday 

Be open to learning  

Give your Jewish colleagues a platform to use during this time if they wish, but be aware that they may not feel comfortable doing so. 

Consider expert training to help employees learn about religion at work, and ensure that your team is prepared to support employees of various religions. 

How Inclusive Employers can help 

If you would like to review your workplace practices and policies around faith inclusion, our supportive team of inclusion and diversity experts are here to help. Please complete the form below to send us your faith inclusion enquiry and a member of our friendly team will respond.