Advance Inclusion in your workplace

Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.

Advance Inclusion in Your Workplace Today

Why is it important to take part in National Inclusion Week?

National Inclusion Week (NIW), in its 12th year, is about highlighting and celebrating inclusion in our workplaces. It’s a week of reflection, which can involve learning and awareness of the things we could improve, and looking to the inclusion and diversity (I&D) successes we have achieved in the last year. NIW should be an essential part of every organisation’s annual calendar and serve as a pause point in a busy year to give inclusion and diversity the spotlight it deserves.

It can be used as a jump-start point to get your inclusion and diversity strategy going or can be a time of evaluation on what you have done so far.

Taking part in National Inclusion Week as a leader, inclusion and diversity lead or HR professional demonstrates your commitment to workplace inclusion to your employees. Choosing to engage in NIW allows you to set the foundations for embedding I&D into the culture of your organisation and makes it clear to the whole organisation that inclusion is a priority.

Participating in NIW may support the team in feeling seen and heard and create a space for authentic discussion. It can be a great starting point for individuals in your organisation to feel empowered to share their stories, and reassure people that it is safe to open up at work.  You can also use NIW as an opportunity to highlight that you are open to feedback from employees about their experiences of inclusion in the workplace, and ready to hear their ideas of how to improve.

What are the benefits?

The NIW Toolkit

When you register for National Inclusion Week you will have access to the toolkit. This free collection of resources contains:

  • A guide to the theme.
  • A guide to the business case for inclusion.
  • Digital and printable assets, including a NIW supporters logo and posters.

You can use these tools to build your own National Inclusion Week plan and make sure everyone in your organisation is engaged in your activities.


We are hosting a series of ‘Getting ready for NIW’ webinars that are designed so you can feel confident about your NIW plans and the impact they will have. These webinars are free to attend.

Social media profiling

Inclusive Employers and NIW registrants are very active during the week on socials, such as LinkedIn and X (formerly known as Twitter). Last year, National Inclusion Week had a reach of 60 million people! So, get on socials and connect with others, share your own posts, and communicate what you as an organisation are trying to achieve. This will continue to highlight your inclusion commitments to your employees, but also your clients and stakeholders and will bring engagement to your social media.

Overall, you will be taking steps to make your workplace a more inclusive one, and that is core to the message and intentionality of National Inclusion Week.

Sign up to National Inclusion Week 2024

Join us to celebrate inclusion and make impact, #ImpactMatters

Register for free here
Masculine office worker sits and uses laptop at desk

Why is it important to take part in NIW?

Aside from the huge reach National Inclusion Week has, many of the organisations participating in NIW include our 400+ member organisations who have joined Inclusive Employers to obtain support and to commit to their inclusion journey.

We also have many non-member NIW registrants from across the UK, and globally. People who work in the sector and want to highlight and celebrate the week in their organisations or those who are struggling to acquire budget for I&D work and can join NIW for free and gain access to all our events and resources for the week!

Our amazing consultant team will also be taking part in events all week and will be active on socials sharing their NIW experiences, so follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date.

You can engage with the many people participating using the hashtags #NationalInclusionWeek and #ImpactMatters.

How can I get involved?

The first thing you can do is sign up to the next National Inclusion Week, you’ll receive emails to alert you to when the toolkit is live, the theme and much more!

Advance Inclusion in your workplace

Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.

Advance Inclusion in Your Workplace Today

Our upcoming events