Advance Inclusion in your workplace
Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.
Inclusion and diversity are topics that impact organisations the world over, and 2024’s theme #ImpactMatters is vital to employers who are serious about inclusion and diversity, whether you operate soley in the UK or across the globe. We’re often asked how global organisations celebrate National Inclusion Week (NIW) and how they get colleagues outside of the UK involved. So we decided to ask them ourselves.
Celebrating National Inclusion Week globally
We talked to valued Inclusive Employers members who operate globally and asked them how they celebrate NIW with colleagues outside of the UK. Here’s what they told us.
- “All our NIW efforts are driven by our inclusion lead in the UK. In 2021, we ran 5 live inclusion sessions as a collaboration between our UK and US businesses. This year we’re planning something similar plus more global comms and stories to bring everything to life.”
- “We hold our events virtually so that they are accessible in either country. Any live events are broadcast over Teams. Last year everything was virtual due to Covid measures. This year we will have members of our DEI team in different office and site locations across the UK and US bases to engage employees further.”
- “This year, we are using the opportunity of NIW to officially launch our revised EMEA DE&I Vision & Strategy. We are using two of the daily tasks and encouraging all employees across EMEA to do these. Some countries are arranging other local activities such as producing videos of leaders talking about what inclusion means to them. We have also adopted the theme for our EMEA HR Conference in September as we have chosen the topic of DE&I for the conference and again will be encouraging our HR colleagues to follow the daily actions.”*
*Daily Actions are no longer a feature of NIW.
Benefits of celebrating National Inclusion Week as a global organisation
Members found that by expanding National Inclusion Week to a global audience, they gained a huge number of benefits for their I&D activities. These included:
- Access to more diverse voices.
- Higher engagement across the organisation.
- Greater senior buy-in.
- Greater support from internal communications teams.
“Colleagues found it fascinating learning about different cultures and experiences globally. It broadened our perspectives on how big our business actually is and how many different people we have working in it. Some new global connections were made, which continued beyond NIW.”
Discover our Global Inclusion services
Our dedicated team can support your global inclusion work
Find out moreMaking National Inclusion Week celebrations relevant to global colleagues
While inclusion and diversity are global topics, it’s important to recognise that there is diversity of experience within this space as well. A one-size-fits-all approach to celebrating National Inclusion Week at a global level won’t resonate with all employees.
Top tips from experienced members
If you’re considering including your global colleagues in the National Inclusion Week celebrations, here are some top tips our members have suggested to help you get the most out of your activities:
- Bring the relevant global colleagues into your planning as early as possible to get their buy in and ideas to consider.
- Consider whether content can be replicated to save on time and resources, and which events can be opened to colleagues from multiple locations.
- Consider time zones of any internal events, think about running multiple sessions across a day or throughout the week to ensure all colleagues have the opportunity to attend.
- Take into account different cultures and local priorities when considering content and speakers, think about what inclusion topics are of relevance in each area and curate content which resonates.
- Consider weaving locally specific content into your activities to ensure that global colleagues feel like they have been considered upfront, rather than tacked on to a UK initiative.
- Recognise that diversity looks different in different countries and ensure a varied representation of accents and faces on globally broadcasted events.
- Create a centralised communication plan to ensure that everyone has sight of the activities being conducted and can input into the agenda and topic selection.
- Think carefully about the language used in communications to ensure that it is as inclusive as possible to all employees.
- Encourage employees and colleagues to embrace the week as a celebration of internal differences in its truest sense.
Support to spread your NIW impact
National Inclusion Week is designed to be a celebration of inclusion and diversity and is not limited to participation in the UK. If you work with cross cultural teams we encourage you to spread your NIW activity beyond your UK operations.
Please sign up to National Inclusion Week and if you are looking for additional support to spread your activities globally, please get in touch using the form below. Our expert team are here to support you:
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Inclusive Recruitment – Job Design – Advice for Line managers and HR Leads
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Advance Inclusion in your workplace
Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.