CMI Archives - Inclusive Employers
  • Two people interviewing a South-East Asian professional wearing a suit and a long pony tail.
    Why job design is essential for diversity and inclusion in recruitment
  • An office worker building connections by telling stories, to help them influence change in the office
    Influencing: the skill for Inclusion
  • Diverse group of workers around a table in a meeting
    Why Stakeholder Management is critical to improving inclusion
  • CMI Professionals
    CMI Level 7 Inclusion qualification delivered by the industry experts
  • Police Sergeant sitting at a desk completing an online course
    Why you should be considering a CMI Level 5 Award in Inclusion for your managers this year
  • Female sports coach talking to her male football team players
    Elevating my EDI professional expertise with a CMI qualification
  • A woman wearing shirt writing on a white board. Her face is turned towards the camera smiling
    Through the eyes of a CMI student