Inclusion Training Archives - Inclusive Employers
  • Law professional holding a law book, whose cover reads "the law" and shows an image of balancing scales
    Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace
  • A diverse group of people in a staff network training session raising their hands in a group exercise
    Guidance for setting up a staff network
  • An age and race diverse group of colleagues enjoying a coffee break
    How to manage age diversity in the workplace
  • Two people interviewing a South-East Asian professional wearing a suit and a long pony tail.
    Why job design is essential for diversity and inclusion in recruitment
  • Two people shaking hands at a job interview. The interviewee is smiling.
    6 Top Tips for your Diversity and Inclusion Recruitment Process
  • Diverse group of workers around a table in a meeting
    Why Stakeholder Management is critical to improving inclusion
  • inclusion allies working on the programme together
    Why your organisation needs inclusion allies
  • Female sports coach talking to her male football team players
    Elevating my EDI professional expertise with a CMI qualification
  • A trainer leading an I&D training session with a group of people
    How training supports your I&D strategy
  • What is privilege? How to navigate it at work