Advance Inclusion in your workplace

Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.

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In-house webinars to support the sports and physical education sector to progress inclusion

Our in-house sport webinar programme is designed for organisations working in sports and physical activity, who are committed to the holistic growth and well-being of their communities. Designed to align with your organisation’s inclusion and diversity plans, this suite of 12 webinars serves as a robust educational platform for I&D. It will help break down the barriers that limit engagement and achievement, but it will also enrich the experience of everyone involved in your sport, from athletes and coaches to fans and administrators.

Read on for 5 key benefits of our in-house webinar programme

1. Deep dives into I&D topics

This package of 12 webinars, covers a range of foundational inclusion topics from the intersectionality of race and faith, gender identity, and neurodiversity, to tackling the nuances of banter and bullying in sports. The content explores LGBTQ+ inclusion, gender bias, and intergenerational dynamics within sports, as well as the role of uniforms, fan experience, performance sports, technology, and parents and carers.

Through each carefully designed webinar, we aim to enhance knowledge and sensitivity around these often misunderstood or overlooked topics, as well as providing actionable strategies to incorporate inclusion and diversity across your sporting environment. Whether you’re looking to encourage a more inclusive workspace or break down the barriers that hinder full participation in sport and physical activity, our in-house webinar programme can be an important element of your annual I&D plans.

2. Customisation and flexibility

Our in-house offering is designed to be convenient and accessible to you. We understand that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy for inclusion and diversity. The right approach is intimately connected to an organisation’s culture, which varies widely. That’s why we’ve designed our in-house webinars to be adaptable to the unique context of your organisation. You can select topics that are immediately relevant, enabling you to implement tangible changes quickly.

3. Practical, actionable insights

Our webinars are designed to be action-oriented, providing you with not just theories but also strategies for practical application. Whether it’s identifying the subtleties between ‘banter’ and ‘bullying’ or understanding how kit and uniform design can affect participation rates, each webinar equips you with specific tools to make immediate improvements.

We understand that there isn’t a one-size fits-all strategy for inclusion and diversity – it’s intimately connected to an organisation’s culture, which varies widely

Learn how our Inclusive Cultures in Sport Programme can support you to progress inclusion

4. Multi-stakeholder involvement

The programme has been intentionally designed to include and appeal to multiple stakeholders in your organisation, like coaches, volunteers, fans, and parents. For instance, our webinar on “Parents and Carers in Sport” provides nuanced strategies to involve this often-overlooked demographic.

5. Future-proofing through tech and digital inclusion

Given the rapid evolution of technology, our inclusion of webinars like “Tech and Digital Inclusion in Sport” ensures that you are prepared for future shifts. It’s not enough to consider the socio-cultural aspects of inclusion and diversity; you also need to anticipate how technology will play a part in shaping these efforts.

A round up of how our in-house sport webinar programme can support you

Our in-house sports webinar programme serves as a foundational tool for your annual inclusion and diversity plans. It offers in-depth insights, multi-faceted viewpoints, practical solutions, and the flexibility to adapt to the needs of your organisation. It can inspire you to progress your inclusion and diversity initiatives, and turn I&D into something you feel confident to understand, implement and embed.

You can contact our Inclusive Sport team directly for more details about how the in-house webinars can support your inclusion education.

Advance Inclusion in your workplace

Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.

Advance Inclusion in Your Workplace Today