What is included in your Inclusive Sport membership

How to get the most out of your Inclusive Sport membership

Whether you have been a member of Inclusive Employers for the past 11 years or just the past week, our membership offer is there to help everyone. Michelle Daltry, Head of Sport, tells us more about Inclusive Employers membership and how to ensure you are making the most out of working with us.

One of my favourite things about Inclusive Sport is our regular membership calls with a full range of exciting sport and physical activity providers, providing an external lens and often much needed guidance and support. Our offer is tailored to our members, catering for those just beginning their inclusion journey and those much further along. 

What is the offer? 

You are assigned a knowledgeable account manager who will take the time to get to know you and your organisation. Our Sport consultants have a wealth of experience in the Sport and Physical Activity Sector ensuring that you work with someone who really gets you and the landscape you work within. Find out more about the Inclusive Sport team by visiting our meet the sports team page.

You have access to our weekly webinar programme tackling a variety of topics. You receive 5 free places for your organisation. For 2023 we have over 90 webinars planned and if these were delivered in-house, they would be £600+ each! What’s more we also have monthly sport and physical activity webinars you can access 5 free spaces on where we bring you the latest advice guidance and learning specific to the sector. 

Access to our comprehensive selection of resources that you can pick up and use in-house. 

Regular communication in the form of monthly account manager emails, bi-monthly sport newsletters and monthly Inclusive Insights newsletters as well as a comprehensive range of blogs and podcasts. 

Depending on the type of membership you have purchased, you can receive either half a day or 7 days of consultancy or training. 

A community of members to share best practice through member call-out emails. A chance to get advice from I&D peers and potentially connect with organisations that have been through a similar journey. 

Make the most out of your monthly account manager meetings 

As a consultant, we are here to make life easier for you. We know working in Inclusion and Diversity can be a lonely road so making use of these catch-ups can really help with clearing your thoughts. 

Before a catch-up, take the time to plan for the meetings. Consider what challenges have you had in the past month. What activity are you planning? If you have any specific ideas or requests send these ahead of time so your account manager has time to research some of the answers and come prepared. Take the time to consider which other people could come along to the members’ meetings to help understand our offer more and so we can help support all areas of your organisation. 

This is your time to use and gain expert advice. Many of our members don’t have a specific inclusion and diversity role so it might form just a part of your remit. Being a member of Inclusive Sport can help lift the worry and gives you expert advice that you can rely on. 

Access a whole host of Members’ resources 

Our members’ resources area is full of information for you to pick up, use and disseminate across your organisation.  

I often think back to my days in-house and trying to do everything, including hours of research for various pieces of work, and wishing I had somewhere I could go for support. Our members’ resources area aims to have everything you need, it’s been well-researched and you can trust the information and share it with others in your organisation.  

Think about who else could benefit from the member’s area; managers responsible for particular areas, people with passion on particular topics or your networks and inclusion groups and sign them up as a user to gain access. 

Your organisation can manage your account and add as many users as possible to gain access to the support available.

Take the time to familiarise yourself with our how-to guide to help navigate the member’s areas. This guide helps you with: 

  • Booking onto an event 
  • Adding a user to your team 
  • Setting up a Team Manager 

If you have any questions your account manager or members’ desk is happy to help. 

Book our free webinars 

For 2023 we have 90 members’ webinars planned which are worth £660+ each if they were to be delivered to you. They are developed and delivered by our expert team of consultants, so you can gain a wealth of knowledge from different people. 

Our webinars are released 6 months in advance, enabling you to plan out who from your organisation will go along and use your five free places on each. You can then spread that learning wider by adding an agenda item to team meetings, for people to feed back the key learnings or takeaways from the session they came along to. Some organisations have even had the webinar running on a big screen and invited their colleagues to attend. 

If you hadn’t noticed our resources and blogs align, so if only a select few can make it to the webinar, you still have the other resources to rely on and can share with the team and beyond to highlight awareness on a particular event or topic. 

Also, keep an eye out on your member email from your account manager as we release one webinar a month to watch back if you couldn’t make it to the live session. 

Use your consultancy time 

Don’t forget to use your consultancy time. 

Included with a Corporate Membership is half a day of consultancy or training which can be utilised in a number of different ways. 

  • Delivery of a 2-hour workshop for up to 15 people 
  • Delivery of 2 webinars (which can be recorded and sent to you) for up to 300 people 
  • Review of 2-3 policies or processes 
  • A facilitated conversation with key stakeholders to plan or develop your I&D strategy 
  • A review with written feedback on a strategy or action plan 

This can really help kick-start your I&D projects and give you a flavour of the quality of what we offer. 

If you’ve opted for a Partnership Membership, you will have an additional seven days of consultancy to deep dive into your specific inclusion challenges. 

Take advantage of Member discounts 

By being a member, you gain access to a 10% discount on our other products such as our Chartered Management Institute (CMI) qualifications in Inclusion & Diversity, the Inclusive Employers Standard accreditation tool, Our Bitesize Inclusion toolkit and our Anti-Racism toolkit! 

Share your Inclusive Sport Membership status 

Celebrate your membership! This could be in your internal newsletters as well as displaying your commitment to fostering an Inclusive workplace on your career’s website. Display our Committed Member logo and link to our website www.inclusiveemployers.co.uk to provide a pathway to others wanting to explore the benefits of membership. 

And finally, my last words of wisdom are to spread your knowledge. Don’t keep Inclusive Sport just to yourself, bring everyone on board. If there’s anything you would like to see, let us know! It is possibly something we already have in the pipeline. 

Next steps

If you are not yet and member, or are interested about promoting inclusion in your organisation, drop us a line and one of our consultants will be in touch.