Matheus Carvalho - Inclusive Employers
Matheus Carvalho looking at the camera

Director of Global Services

Matheus Carvalho is Director of Global Services at Inclusive Employers, working closely with clients to provide them with training solutions and inclusion strategies to support their organisations. Matheus leads on Inclusive Leadership training, and on Global Inclusion strategies and training.

Originally from Brazil, Matheus has been living in Europe for over 11 years. During this time, he has completed an MBA with the University of Wales and was a Learning and Development Advisor for The Walt Disney Company, where he also co-chaired their LGBTQ+ network.

What do you enjoy about your role at Inclusive Employers?

Getting to understand how inclusion works for multiple sectors and industries and establishing a close relationship with members grounded on safe space and mutual respect. All of this whilst working with a fantastic and really supportive team, who are not afraid to have courageous conversations to ensure we are always looking ahead at our approach to inclusion.

What has been your biggest achievement to date?

One was leading and organising a large contingency of work colleagues from a previous job to march in Pride in London, many of them had never marched before – it was certainly an unforgettable experience!

Another is organising screenings of LGBTQ+ movies at my local cinema, and bringing the community together for discussions on the movies in a safe space.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

It is actually a quote from Maya Angelou “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Tell us something about you that we might not know

I am a massive cinema aficionado, especially movies of the classic era… pretty much most things made before the 1970s! From movies of the silent era, to classic Hollywood, to Japanese samurai movies, to Joan Crawford and Bette Davis melodramas… I just can’t get enough!