Pay Gaps
Since 2017, employers with 250 or more employees have had a legal duty to publish and report on any gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women, expressed relative to men’s earnings.
Pay Gaps Consultancy: why you need it
Since 2017, employers with 250 or more employees have had a legal duty to publish and report on any gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women, expressed relative to men’s earnings. For example, women earn 15% less than men per hour. We know that ethnicity and disability pay gaps are also a major problem for many employers.
Pay gaps are indicators of embedded, systemic diversity and inclusion problems within organisations and many employers are now taking significant steps to identify and address the causes of the gaps. Some are motivated to act by the requirements for transparency, as described above in relation to gender, but others see pay gap data as an important inclusion indicator and know it must be tackled in order to achieve inclusive and diverse workplaces.
Pay Gaps Consultancy: How it Works
At Inclusive Employers, we use a combination of desktop analysis of your data, policies and other relevant documentation alongside face-to-face information gathering through focus groups and one-to-one interviews to deliver Pay Gap Consultancy to your organisation.
We take care to engage with key parties including representatives of networks, board members, trade unions, hiring and line managers, talent specialists and individual members of staff. We use qualitative and quantitative data to identify the causes of the pay gap and make recommendations to address and eliminate it, based on our significant experience and expertise in this field. These recommendations give you a clear action plan with some short term ‘quick wins’, medium and long term activities, and ongoing monitoring arrangements.
Pay Gaps Consultancy: What is Our Approach
Our approach is grounded in working together: all our consultancy is delivered in partnership with clients. We take a clear brief in the knowledge that every employer is facing different issues.
Our consultants have years of experience and are equipped with skills, knowledge and expertise to develop inclusive workplaces. This means we know what works and our recommendations are hugely practical – we will give you the confidence to take action and have lasting impact on workplace culture. In a trusted and confidential setting, we will always feedback honestly on what we find or see. Our goal is to support growth and development.
Part of this includes advising on internal communications. We know it is essential to ensure the project lands well and that staff see and understand the benefits to the organisation and individual employees.
Ultimately at Inclusive Employers, we encourage clients to be ambitious and bold in relation to inclusion and diversity and certainly apply a zero-tolerance approach to harassment or bullying.
To learn more about how our Pay Gap Consultancy can support your organisational goals send us a quick enquiry. We’re looking forward to working with you.