Focus Groups
Focus Groups are one of the ways Inclusive Employers can bring an independent listening ear to your organisation.
Focus Groups: Why You Need Them
Focus Groups are one of the ways Inclusive Employers can bring an independent listening ear to your organisation. They can be invaluable when planning or implementing change, starting or reviewing your inclusion and diversity journey or enabling you to really hear staff views in relation to a particular issue.
Focus groups provide the perfect environment to facilitate this. By establishing clear boundaries on confidentiality, we can allow people to be more open, creative, confident and prepared to participate in problem-solving.
Focus Groups: How They Work
At Inclusive Employers, we understand every piece of consultancy is different and complex. Our expertise ensures we are equipped and able to support you to address the cultural issues specific to your organisation. We can do this in the following ways:
- Determine terms of reference for the focus groups;
- Advise on supplementary methods of gathering focus group information, for example: if people work shifts or are not prepared to participate in sufficient numbers;
- Advise on group composition to maximise inclusion and create groups where people feel free to speak;
- Suggest internal communications to encourage participation and minimise cynicism;
- Determine appropriate questions;
- Welcome and settle groups, showing integrity with regard to information sharing and confidentiality;
- Prompt and encourage participation;
- Prepare summary reports in accordance with the terms of reference;
- Provide recommendations for action where appropriate.
Focus Groups: What is Our Approach
Our approach is grounded in working together: all our consultancy is delivered in partnership with clients. We take a clear brief in the knowledge that every employer is facing different issues.
Our consultants have years of experience and are equipped with skills, knowledge and expertise to develop inclusive workplaces. This means we know what works and our recommendations are hugely practical: we will give you the confidence to take action and have lasting impact on workplace culture. In a trusted and confidential setting, we will always feedback honestly on what we find or see.
Our goal is to support growth and development. Part of this includes advising on internal communications. We know it is essential to ensure the project lands well and that staff see and understand the benefits to the organisation and individual employees.
Ultimately at Inclusive Employers, we encourage clients to be ambitious and bold in relation to inclusion and diversity and certainly apply a zero-tolerance approach to harassment or bullying.
To learn more about how Focus Groups can support your organisational goals send us a quick enquiry. We’re looking forward to working with you.