Advance Inclusion in your workplace

Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.

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Understanding National Inclusion Week

The history of National Inclusion Week® (NIW) begins in 2013. Two years after Inclusive Employers was founded, National Inclusion Week® was conceived. Since then this annual celebration of inclusion has gone from strength to strength. The role of inclusion the workplace has changed significantly in this time, and looking at the history of National Inclusion Week® gives us the opportunity to reflect on this. In our 10th anniversary podcast, the Inclusive Employers founders discuss the changing role of inclusion over the last 10 years.

Every year, National Inclusion Week® is characterised by a particular theme. This theme creates the focal point for the campaign and highlights where organisations need to focus their inclusion efforts, in order to have a sustainable impact on their organisational culture.

Below we explain all the different themes of NIW, a great opportunity to learn more about the history of National Inclusion Week®. As you read through the themes, it becomes clear that understanding of inclusion is growing in maturity.

2013: Think Differently

The first theme for NIW was “Think Differently.” As theme highlights, the purpose was to encourage people to reframe their thinking and consider different and diverse perspectives.

2014: Be yourself, be the best you can be

In 2014, the theme of “Be yourself, be the best you can be”, was chosen. This theme is still extremely relevant and should be a focus of inclusion and diversity strategies. We are striving to create workplaces were employees feel equipped and empowered to be their best selves, so they can add maximum value back into the workplace. When this happens inclusive cultures can thrive.

2015: It Can Be You…

This theme, “It Can Be You…” can be interpreted in a few different ways. However, its main focus was that it can be you who makes the change.

Any small change you make, whether it be clocking your unconscious bias, or supporting colleagues by showing allyship, can make a huge difference.

Learning about diverse perspectives and expanding your inclusion knowledge makes a significant change.

2016: Everyday Inclusion

You may be familiar with this one! Everyday Inclusion is part of the DNA of Inclusive Employers, as well as the history of National Inclusion Week®. This concept has shaped Inclusive Employers and has been at the centre of our growth. The reason we exist as a company and guide our clients and Members is to create inclusion everyday.

2017: Connect for Inclusion

In 2017, we invited workplaces and individuals to connect, in the name of inclusion.

2018: Everyday Inclusion

Another repeat of what really matters – Everyday Inclusion. This theme is so important, it features twice in the history of National Inclusion Week®

The impact that inclusion can have is so powerful, especially when it’s happening all around us every day. In 2018, we focused on igniting the inclusion flame and encouraged workplaces to consider how inclusion can become the norm.

2019: Choose to Include

In 2019, the theme was “Choose to Include.” The purpose of this theme was to focus on how organisations, and individuals, should consciously choose to include.

Equity and inclusion are crucial – in order to make this a reality for all individuals workplaces must choose to include. Whether this is by supporting communities, being an ally, challenging unconscious bias, or simply committing to learning about inclusion topics – you are choosing to include.

2020: Each One, Reach One

In 2020, we focused on reaching out to others to share our inclusion stories. This theme emphasised that each individual person, and organisation, has their own inclusion story to share and can make a positive impact when they do so. We can learn a lot by listening to the experiences of others. If you would like to hear more stories of inclusion in the workplace, please check out our podcast series, “Talking Inclusion With”.

2021: United For Inclusion

Our theme for NIW 2021, which had over 60 million people connect with us, was “United for Inclusion.”

This theme had a huge emphasis on how we can all come together to celebrate inclusion and work towards a more inclusive world.

By coming together, and sharing experiences, skills and knowledge – we can keep pushing forward on our inclusion journeys and learning together along the way.

2022: Time to Act, The Power of Now

In 2022, the theme was “Time to Act, The Power of Now”. The theme encapsulates the importance of taking action in the present moment, of acting for change, not just committing to it happening in the future.

We cannot wait for inclusion to happen on its own – it’s our responsibility to push for it and make sure it happens. By acting now, and using the power of unity and inclusion, we can change the world for the better.

2023: Take Action Make Impact

Take Action Make Impact was the theme in 2023. It built on 2022’s theme, and aimed to inspire people to stop thinking and start taking action to make impact on inclusion. The events and activities for the week encouraged workplaces to understand that they don’t need to be perfect to start practicing inclusion, but you do need to start somewhere! Starting is the best way to learn what works, and what doesn’t, in your workplace.

This is at the heart of every National Inclusion Week® – to guide organisations in knowing that they have the power to make inclusion an everyday part of their workplace today.

2024: Impact Matters

Impact Matters builds on the NIW themes of 2022 and 2023. It emphasises that our commitment, strategy and action need to be designed with inclusion impact at the forefront. For workplaces, this means thinking about how you use data to inform your inclusion strategy, and really considering the long-term benefits, and any potential unintended negative consequences of your plans.

As inclusion and diversity becomes more embedded into workplaces, Impact Matters seeks to challenge employers to consider their inclusion maturity journey and to consider how they get to their next steps in building workplaces that don’t just meet expectations, it exceeds them.

Are you ready to join National Inclusion Week® and rise to the challenge? We’re here to help.

Become the next National Inclusion Week® sponsor

Be at the forefront of the largest inclusion campaign in the U.K., join the likes of previous sponsors Co-op, Sky, McDonalds, NHS Employers and Corella in putting inclusion on the map.

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How the National Inclusion Week® themes have developed over time

The history of National Inclusion Week® also reflects the progress of workplace inclusion over the years. Initially, we started thinking differently and reframing thoughts to be more inclusive. Now, we are focusing on considered action, that will have a positive, sustainable impact.

Because there is so much more awareness and understanding of inclusion, we’re in a much stronger place to take action that is transformative, and not performative.

Our themes are all rooted in connecting and uniting people to understand power of inclusion, and its impact on individuals and workplaces when it is prioritised and practiced everyday.

How to get involved with this celebration of inclusion

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about the history of National Inclusion Week®, what it stands for, and how our themes have progressed over the years. You can find out even more about this year and register now.

If you are an Inclusive Employers Member you will automatically have access to the National Inclusion Week® supporter toolkit, full of resources to support to make the most of the event.

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Advance Inclusion in your workplace

Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.

Advance Inclusion in Your Workplace Today

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