Inclusion Accreditation - the Inclusive Employers Standard - Inclusive Employers

Inclusion Accreditation – the Inclusive Employers Standard

Here, Lindsay Lerigo, Programme Manager of the Standard, highlights the successes from the latest round of results, why it’s important to continually assess your inclusion agenda, and importantly – how you can get inclusion accredited with us.


Last week as part of National Inclusion Week we shared the Inclusive Employers Standard results with those who participated in the first round of 2020.  This is my favourite part of the process and this round was one of the strongest we have seen so far.

I love being able to share positive news with participants and allowing them to share internally and externally the outcome of their hard work. Even in cases where organisations receive Committed status there is still a very positive message to share. Just participating in the Standard is an achievement:

  • it demonstrates real commitment to creating everyday inclusion in the workplace, and:
  • the feedback provided helps to streamline and focus on the areas that require most attention and have the biggest impact on employees.

It isn’t always easy accepting feedback, even if the purpose is to create positive change, so massive well done to all of our participants who put themselves in this vulnerable position for the greater good.

A particular highlight for this round was seeing the improvement from organisations that have participated in the Foundation Assessment or the Standard, previously. Being taken on their inclusion journey with them and seeing them put the feedback we provide into action with positive results is fantastic. The Standard was introduced to help organisations become more inclusive and being able to see this happening makes it all worthwhile.

As part of the Spotlight, Best Practice focus at the end of National Inclusion Week we shared with all current and past participants of both the Inclusive Employer’s Standard and Foundation Assessment our ‘Six Pillars of Inclusion Case Studies’ Booklet. This was developed using examples taken straight from submissions to the Standard. Having access to best practice sharing is one of the  many benefits of taking part. We are sharing one case study from this booklet today – find about more about Surrey Police’s approach to using diversity data here.

The hard work continues! I am in the process of booking in feedback meetings with the participants to go through the outcomes in more detail, and help them to build action plans to work on their areas of focus. The second round of the Inclusive Employers Standard for 2020 is currently open for submissions – I am keen to talk to as many of you as possible about participating, whatever stage of the inclusion journey you may be at.

Please reach out if you would like to participate and if you have any questions about the process via You can sign up to attend the webinar taking place next week that will provide you with more information.


The submission deadline for this round is 18 December! I encourage you to sign up as soon as possible and by no later than 13 November, so that you have time to prepare your submissions before the deadline and don’t miss out the last chance to take part in 2020.

Look forward to working with you soon,
