Advance Inclusion in your workplace

Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.

Advance Inclusion in Your Workplace Today

1) Can you tell us how you came to be in your role?

I was previously a police officer for 23 years and had finished a national promotion and development scheme when I was diagnosed with a disability that prevented me from working on the Frontline. This meant I was retried.

Throughout my career I have been in minority positions, for example, I was the only female police officer in the firearms department of around 70 men and developed a lived experience of how poor practice can affect behaviour and outcomes.

I became an inclusion and equality ally. I mentored and advocated for people (both internally and externally), worked on national committees and designed and delivered strategies. It was a lonely place to be in policing. I would always keep myself up to date with new areas of practice and read or watch as much as I could alongside everything else.

I knew I wanted to work in the field of Inclusion, Equality and Diversity (IED) because I love people and seeing how you can drive real efficiency and impact through inclusive processes (I normally just tell people about the “love people” part so this is our secret right?).

When I saw that Inclusive Employers were recruiting, I didn’t hesitate to apply. Having a single focus on inclusion across multiple industries and organisations is such an interesting role.

2) Can you share an ‘inclusion moment’ with us – a time when you have felt included either at work or in your personal life?

When I was having a difficult time as a 26-year-old in Firearms and had been denied body armour that was appropriate for my body, with the explanation that

“You’re not special, we treat everyone the same”.

A colleague stepped in, without me asking him to and without me having to explain that my body was different to his. He calmly but assertively explained they needed to treat people according to their needs, not everyone is the same and made it clear this was not up for debate, it just needed doing. He just saw me as a member of the team, not a gender or a problem, or special or demanding, just his colleague.

He never made a fuss, always told me I was perfectly average and never different to anyone else when I worked alongside him.

“Twice a week I deliver anti racism training to police officers face to face. It’s very rewarding bringing anti racism to life to help them day to day, we turn it from words into an essential tool.”

Enquire about anti-racism training
Jill Manfrinato

3) What do you love most about your role?

Being able to jump on the business teams chat, ask a seemingly impossible question and receive the most comprehensive thought provoking answers from a breath of expert perspectives. It really helps me to know that I’m giving the best possible advice to clients.

This is of course tied with delivering face to face training and helping people realise inclusive practice is about actions, not JUST WORDS!

4) What is a typical day like for you?

I normally start by listening to the Radio 4 Today programme. I keep up to date with current affairs. It helps customers when I am up to date with emerging issues that are being discussed in the news because you can guarantee that will be being discussed in the workplace.

I’ll listen to that while I’m in the gym looking very serious and tense.

Lots of coffee.

Twice a week I deliver anti racism training to police officers face to face. It’s very rewarding bringing anti racism to life to help them day to day, we turn it from words into an essential tool.

I analyse the feedback and results of the training products I deliver to ensure it’s really delivering what the customer needs.

I partake in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) most weeks. The field of Inclusion is constantly evolving and I know that my knowledge has to as well. I’m so fortunate to work for a company that makes that investment in their staff.

5) What’s been your most memorable moment in your inclusion career?

The moment I realised the inclusion barriers which I felt were so unique to policing, were repeated in nearly every workplace in one form or another.

Do you have more questions for the Inclusive Employers team?

If you would like to know more about working with us and have a question for the team please use the form below to get in touch.

Advance Inclusion in your workplace

Lead the way to create inclusive workplaces with expert support, tailored resources, and a vibrant member community. Inclusive Employers membership gives you the tools and insights to advance inclusion and make a lasting impact.

Advance Inclusion in Your Workplace Today

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